Rabbits are wonderful animals and can make great pets - BUT they are definitely not the same as cats and dogs. Proper care is absolutely important to prevent ongoing health problems and they are susceptible to behavioural issues as well! If you have had rabbits before, you'll understand this. If you have not, then ensure you have done your homework before purchasing a pet rabbit - particularly if it is for young children. Rabbit diet and housing is critical and it is by far best to get this correct, right from the start!
At the Findon Vet Surgery and Seaton Vet Centre, Adelaide, we get to see a lot of rabbits ... and for a variety of reasons. MANY problems that rabbits are seen for are a direct result of how they are looked after. Because of this, much of a consultation for a rabbit is taken up with discussing their housing, feeding and other 'husbandry'. When you are asked questions about these things, you (like most of us!!!) will not remember everything when 'put-on-the-spot', and so we would like you to print the RABBIT QUESTIONNAIRE below and answer all of the questions, and bring that completed questionnaire in with you when you bring your rabbit in for its consultation.
Because a consultation for a rabbit is such a detailed discussion about your current management of your pet, and we provide information about what we advise you need to do, a consultation fee is charged as we consider this detailed discussion and information as a service - even if tests, treatment or surgery is not provided. The "No Consult Fee, for Dogs and Cats, unless treatment or service is provided" does not apply to rabbits. Often the consultation will be an extended consultation, but we only charge a standard consultation fee.
See below for more detailed rabbit care information...