At the Findon Vet Surgery and Seaton Vet Centre, we provide a comprehensive range of puppy care and kitten care, including extensive information, medical care and surgery, as well as behavioural management.
Our staff are very experienced in nutrition, diseases and parasites of our younger pets! Please contact us if you have a specific question.
This means you can have your puppy or kitten checked over by a vet, even for something you believe is trivial, and there is no obligation on your behalf if we advise a course of action (treatment or tests etc) and you do not wish to proceed.
We strongly believe that ALL puppies and kittens should be covered by pet insurance as SOON as you get your new pet! This is really very important! Puppies and kittens are very good at doing silly things, like eating weird things...or pulling objects on top of themselves ... and they injure themselves easily!
For a list of pet insurance companies, CLICK HERE